Your fellow Showrunners, even those serving the very same niche(s) that you’re serving, are not your enemies. 95 percent of the world has no idea what you’re doing as “podcaster,” so don’t turn a cold shoulder to the few who do.
This week’s episode of The Showrunner begins with a discussion about the value of meeting your listeners in person when you get the opportunity to do so. Hosts Jerod Morris and Jon Nastor offer up a few actionable ideas on how to bring the topic up with your audience.
Then, for the final time, they harken back to their experience at Podcast Movement for inspiration.
This leads to a conversation about the power of cooperation, collaboration, and craft beer (yum!).
Seriously: there is a lot to learn from how craft breweries have banded together in their battle for market share against the big, bad beer bullies. It’s similar to how food trucks have joined forces to survive despite numerous forces working against them.
As Roman Mars said at Podcast Movement, “95 percent of the world doesn’t know what the ***k we do.” This is one reason why podcasters must fight the urge to see competitors as threats, and instead see them as potential allies who will raise all boats in the ever-growing podcasting tide.
Then Jerod and Jon turn to their listener question, which could have carried an entire episode. “What do we do when our podcasts start to lose traction?” They both have a lot to say about this, with Jerod concluding the section with something akin to a locker room speech for scuffling Showrunners everywhere.
Finally, they bring you this week’s podcast recommendation from the podcaster herself: Sonia Thompson explains why you should check out her new show, I Am The One.
Listen, learn, enjoy:
The Showrunner on iTunes
The post What Craft Beer and Food Trucks Can Teach Us About the Power of Collaboration appeared first on Copyblogger.
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